8. The first film written and directed by artificial intelligence_"9. AI real-life cases""
On December 17, 2023, the first film written and directed by artificial intelligence, "The Safe Zone", was released. The film was created...
8. The first film written and directed by artificial intelligence_"9. AI real-life cases""
7. Artificial Intelligence in Fashion - "Part 9, AI in Action"
6. Artificial intelligence and biomolecular miracles reshape archaeology - "9. AI real-life cases"
5. Japan’s love affair with robots_ "9, AI real-life cases"
4. The intersection of psychology and artificial intelligence - "9. AI real-life cases"
3. The world's first artificial intelligence team press conference_ "9. AI real-life cases"
2. Lee Sedol vs. AlphaGo _ "9. AI real-life cases"
1. How Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizes Mining - "9. AI real-life cases"