IOT HK Video
Recent Events
AI Super Computing,
AI Application and Data Center Services in Asia Pacific
We have our own Data Centers in HK, Singapore and Malysia, installed and ready with NVIDIA H100, H800, A100 GPUs and Ascend AI Super Computing, to provide high-performance computing services through rental or hardware sales to members across various industries, such as scientific research, academia, government, gaming and finance sectors, providing both AI Datasets and Application solutions as well. We are also providing Data Center Hosting, IPv4, IPv6, Dedicated Internet Access, IP-Transit, IEPL, Broadband and SD-Wan to our member and partners for Internet, IT Application and services.
This initiative aligns with Hong Kong's smart city development plan, aiming to support the growth of AI, big data, and IoT sectors in Hong Kong, and position the city as a leading AI computing and application hub in the Asia-Pacific region.
Four Key Objectives
Establish an Industry Exchange Platform
Regularly organize exchange activities and industry conferences to gather industry experts, sharing and exchanging insights on technological, management, and business trends.
Provide Data Center Services
Set up independent big data center facilities, and share powerful computing resources at cost with members to facilitate the application of big data technologies.
Share Industry and Technical Information
Regularly share articles, organize industry exchange activities, and facilitate the exchange of industry business and technical information, discovering more possibilities.
Promote the Application of IoT, AI,
and Other Technologies
The data center services provide a practical foundation for the application of IoT, AI, and other technologies. Through exchange activities in the industry, information, connections, and technologies can collide to create more opportunities.
Organizational Structure
Wilson Chong
Chairman of the Hong Kong Internet of Things Association, Executive Chairman of the China Internet of Things Group Organization Joint Committee, and Executive Director of Rightlink Technology Ltd.
He has over 20 years of experience in the mobile communications industry, focusing on the design, development, production, and sales of mobile phones and tablets.
He is a mentor for the Young Scholars Program at CityU Business School and the "Entrepreneurship Guidance Program" at CityU Knowledge Transfer Office. Member of Advisory Board (FIRST Hub) of The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
Sam Wu
President of Internet of Thing HK Association, He is a Tech Leader in Innovation Technologies, AI, Big Data, Smart City, IoT, SaaS Applications, Data Center, Blockchain, eCommerce and Information Technology System Integration solutions with over 20 years of experience in IT, ISP, AI, Cloud applications, Blockchain, ICT and Telecom fields.
He is the Chairman of Asia Pacific Cloud Application Alliance, Chairman of Big Data Research & Application Association, Chief Advisor of HK Smart City Research Hub, Chairman of Innovation Technologies Committee of HKiNEDA , Executive Chairman of World Internet of Things Convention (APAC), Honorary President of HK Ecommerce Association, Member of Advisory Board (FIRST Hub) of The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong . He is leading and managing various of High Tech organization and IT Professional Associations in HK and Greater China.
IOTHK 物聯網商會是什麼性質的機構?1. IOTHK 香港物聯網商會是由工商貿易署撥款資助的非牟利組織。 2. 為各會員提供數據中心服務的同時, 3. 亦作為一個平臺, 讓各界分享物聯網、AI 等技術、資訊及商業可能, 4. 以及發揮中西方橋樑角色, 發掘並探索更多內地及海外商業機會。
成為商會的一員, 有什麼益處?獲得更多行業交流機會, 促進合作發展。 以成本價獲得強大的算力支持。 獲得物聯網技術的新資訊, 以技術優化效率。
如何成為商會的一員?可以在「會員專區」中去填妥表格, 後續的申請步驟, 會以電郵的方式聯絡處理。
如何申請使用數據中心?在成為商業會員後, 可以以電郵的方式申請使用。
如何聯絡合作?可以以電郵的方式聯絡, 將會有專人聯絡跟進。