Italy's artificial intelligence strategy reflects the country's commitment to harnessing the potential of AI as a driver of economic and social transformation. The nation recognizes the need to update its national AI strategy to address the opportunities and challenges presented by transformative AI technologies.
The strategic plan outlines six core objectives:
Strengthening Cutting-Edge AI Research: Italy aims to enhance its foundational AI research and promote applied research to generate practical solutions across various industries that align with national development goals.
Reducing Fragmentation in AI Research: The strategy emphasizes unifying dispersed AI research efforts, establishing key quality standards, and fostering collaborative networks to drive scientific excellence and promote inclusivity and regional cohesion.
Developing Ethical and Human-Centered AI: Italy seeks to create and adopt reliable and human-centered AI technologies that comply with existing standards while ensuring societal acceptance. Responsible AI development is crucial to achieving this goal.
Key Participants
Italy's AI strategy anticipates a public investment of €2.5 billion in the AI sector. In 2021, the country launched the national AI PhD program, one of the largest and most ambitious AI PhD initiatives in the world.
This program encompasses over 50 universities, three public research institutions, and three research organizations, aiming to cultivate researchers, innovators, and professionals. Italy also has an extensive network of knowledge transfer centers driven by industrial associations and national and local entities.
In 2023, as part of its AI strategy, the government announced the launch of a €150 million fund to support startups in the field, backed by the development bank Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP).
Despite the Italian AI market doubling within two years, growing by 27% to €380 million in 2021, the country's contribution to the EU AI market remains below its GDP contribution.
Although there are many participants, Italy's AI market is still relatively small, negatively impacting the growth and investment capacity of its companies.
Private sector investment in R&D is insufficient. While Italian companies spent €14.7 billion annually on R&D in 2018, this figure is still lower than that of their EU counterparts.